The policy sets out how the tenant or Housing SA ends a tenancy in line with the conditions of the lease agreement, also known as the Conditions of Tenancy or the Tenancy Agreement.

This policy applies to tenants renting public or Aboriginal housing, and housing managed by Housing SA in Aboriginal communities.

Tenant ends the tenancy

A tenant may end a tenancy when they either:

  • provide at least 14 days’ written notice
  • receive a final intervention order prohibiting them from living in the property.

A tenant can’t end a tenancy if a current interim intervention order prohibits them from living in the property.

Housing SA ending the tenancy

Housing SA may end a tenancy in any of the below situations:

  • the lease agreement ends
  • the tenant dies
  • the tenant breaks the conditions of their lease agreement and the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal issues an order for possession
  • the tenant doesn’t leave the property after receiving a final intervention order prohibiting them from living in the property
  • Housing SA receives a tenancy order from a Court assigning the property to another person.

Tenant responsibilities when a tenancy ends

Tenants are responsible for:

  • leaving the property on the agreed vacancy date
  • giving vacant possession of the property to Housing SA
  • removing all belongings and leaving the property in good condition
  • repairing any damage to the property
  • removing any alterations or additions they made to the property, except if Housing SA agrees they can remain
  • paying all charges owed to Housing SA, including paying rent, maintenance and water charges.

Housing SA responsibilities when a tenancy ends

Housing SA is responsible for:

  • arranging an outgoing tenant inspection with the tenant or their representative
  • taking photos of any items the tenant may be charged for, for example damage to the property, rubbish left at the property
  • managing abandoned goods in line with the Abandoned property and goods policy.

Related information

Controlling documents

This policy is based on and complies with:

Supporting documents

  • Ending a public housing tenancy procedures v3.1

Related policies and other documents'

Date this policy applies from

8 February 2021

Version number