Annual Report 2021-22

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Service Improvements 

Improvements to Complaint Management System

Formal complaints and feedback are managed in the Office of the Chief Executive (OCE). On 1 October 2021, OCE implemented a new workflow in the records management system, Objective, to manage formal complaints in line with the existing ministerial workflow. This process has streamlined management of formal customer correspondence, enabling ease of reporting and reducing the administrative burden on agency staff.

The Authority continues to monitor data on complaints and feedback, with regular reporting and analysis on trends and possible service delivery improvements. A Complaints Management training package is under development for Authority staff which provides guidance on how to manage complaints and feedback from customers. This will provide staff with the tools and knowledge to determine how best to manage different types of complaints and the escalation points available for complaint resolution.

Improvements resulting from complaints or consumer suggestions

The procurement of the new Maintenance Service Delivery Model has provided an opportunity to review the contract structure and re-design to include mechanisms that address some of the most common complaints. This includes changes to KPIs to improve attendance timeframes and contractor/customer communication and a pricing structure to ensure sub-contractors are remunerated appropriately and avoid profit taking by the Head Contractor.

The new contract also promotes trusted relationships between the Head Contractor and sub-contractors, ensures clear lines of accountability and aims to reduce complaints about the behaviour of trades (language, demeanour).

Compliance Statement

  • The Authority is compliant with Premier and Cabinet Circular 039 – complaint management in the South Australian public sector.  
    • Yes
  • The Authority has communicated the content of PC 039 and the agency’s related complaints policies and procedures to employees.
    • Yes